Date | Title | Name | ||||
2023 3月23日 | Rubinstein poi basic3つのポイでのジャグリングが上手くなってきたら是非挑戦してほしい「ルーベンシュタインスイング」の解説動画です。 チャプター 0:00 ルーベンシュタインスイング解説 |
yutapoi | ||||
2023 3月23日 | 3POI Cascade Basic |
yutapoi | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Over The Head
グリップテールポイの応用技 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Tail Spiral
グリップテールポイの技 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Tail Isolation
グリップテールポイの基本の技 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: BodyLoopグリップテールポイのBodyLoop系列の技 Neck Loop と Leg Loopの練習動画です。 こちらはDgripとTail Tossが前提の技になっています。 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Tail Tossグリップテールポイの基本の技である、Tail Tossの練習動画です。 テールを使ったトスの練習です。 テールの掴み方から投げ方までを解説してます。 こちらはDgripなどでも使用します。 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Dgripグリップテールポイの基本の技、Dgripの練習動画です。 テールの形がDの字になります。 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Cross Gripグリップテールポイの基本の技である、cross gripの練習動画です。 この持ち方は左右のポイのどちらが前にあるかでテールの軌道が変わります。 こちらはacross gripが出来ることが前提となっている技です。 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Grip Tail: Across Gripグリップテールポイの基本の技である、across gripの練習動画です。 テールを掴んで回す動きの基本がこの技で練習できます。 派生の技として、Tail Spiralやcross grip などがあります。 |
まえけん | ||||
2016 1月11日 | Instruction of Grip Tail Poiグリップテールポイという種類のポイについての解説動画です。 グリップテールポイとはテールの先端に持ち手をつけて、テールをつかめるようにしたものです。 この動画ではグリップテールポイの作り方や特徴などを解説します。 |
まえけん | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Vertical Hand Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPVertical Hand Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Heartbeat - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPHeartbeat - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Throat Wrap - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPThroat Wrap - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Anti-Spin Neck Wrap - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPAnti-Spin Neck Wrap - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | BTB Pullover Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPBTB Pullover Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Vertical Shoulder Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPVertical Shoulder Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Pullover Variations - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPPullover Variations - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Pullover Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPPullover Stalls - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 8日 | Extended Confusatron - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPExtended Confusatron - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 7日 | Confusatron - Contact Staff Tutorial - MCPConfusatron - Contact Staff Tutorial - MCP Illusional Hand Wraps A trick created by Ninja Steve |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 7日 | Andre Buzzsaw - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPAndre Buzzsaw - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 7日 | Fingertip Balance - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCPFingertip Balance - Contact Staff Tutorial – MCP |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 7月 7日 | Full Neck Wrap - Contact Staff Tutorial - MCPSpin around the neck, full neck wrap move. |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 5月15日 | linking reels into chase the sunShoulder Reel Turn + Hip Reel Turn. |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 5月 9日 | Watermill split time hip reelsNick's water mill tutorial. Water mill = Split time low reel turn + Split time carry turn. |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 5月 3日 | Angel Roll tutorialAngerl Roll Tutorial by Aileen. |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 5月 2日 | Duck-outs & Ground-Roll Duck-outs - Contact Staff Tutorialホリゾンタルプレーンで首の後ろを通す動きのバリエーションです。 |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 5月 2日 | The Half Steve - Contact Staff Tutorial - Fire Tech TutorialsNice tutorial from Fire Technicians |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 3月18日 | Timmehtek TUTORIAL: air wrap | Tech poiAir Wrap Tutorial by Tim Goddard! Nice one. note: there is much more you can do with an air wrap that i don't cover here, this just has the more basic kind that most people learn [and the logical progression to return to original planes] |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 2月14日 | Contact Juggling Lesson : Arm Roll 2 by Yanazo
Yanazo's CJ Lesson. CJ BOOK For Free written by Yanazo |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 2月14日 | Contact Juggling Lesson : Butterfly by Yanazo
Yanazo's CJ Lesson. CJ BOOK For Free written by Yanazo |
yutapoi | ||||
2014 2月14日 | Arm Roll Lesson by Yanazo
Yanazo's CJ Lesson. CJ BOOK For Free written by Yanazo |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 6月 3日 | Alien Jon Poi: nano-Tech Blog 15: Straight Jacket Roll & other random overdue ideasエイリアンジョンのナノテックブログ。ストレートジャケットロールと新しいアイデアたち。 特に後半が面白いです! |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 4月23日 | Floats |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 3月25日 | Kouteisennin Animation Dance POP
Amazing Animation Dancer Kouteisennin opened free dance lesson. If you are interested in Animation Dance, gotta watch this! |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 2月20日 | Tips and Tricks with Daddy #1 - The Gunslinger!
Jonathan'S great tutorial. Gunslinger is so cool move that everybody want to try! Jonathan is super cool poi gunslinger from U.S. enjoy! |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 2月16日 | Contact Juggling Tutorials: Finger Rolls and Squeeze Ups
Basic contact juggling move. Simple but great move for starting contact juggling. |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 2月14日 | Getting Stalls Started
stall exersice by Nick. You need make "Stall Line" clear to make stall clean. Nick shows that you can use wall for clean the line. You can use any wall such as Berlin wall. |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 2月13日 | How to Learn Hyperloops
Nick's great tutorial of hyper-loop. If you don't have time, then skip to 5:00 ! Don't forget, it worth to watch all of them :) |
yutapoi | ||||
2013 2月 8日 | Poi Spinning Tutorial ~ Wall Plane Flowers
NOTE THIS MOVES CONTAIN HARD MOVE FOR SHOULDERS. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU WARM UP FIRST OTHERWIRSE YOU MAY HEART YOUR SHOULDER!! Wall plane flowers. From Arm crossed position to the other position of arm crossed, you can make 360 circle. In one direaction you have antispin and the other direction you have normal spin. There are many flowers which are combination of directions and timing. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月26日 | 技術的な話です。 炎の美しさを撮るためのテクニックは実は物凄く奥が深く、なかなか思い通りには撮影できません。 例1 白い炎
たとえば下の写真はシャッタースピードを長くして軌跡を写していますが炎の色は撮れていません。 地面や周囲の看板などは暗いながらも綺麗に見えていますが、これらに露出をあわすと火は明るすぎて色が白くとんでしまいます。
例2 暗闇に浮かぶ火の玉次の写真は炎に露出を合わせていますので炎の色は綺麗に撮れていますが今度は人の体は見えません。
火の質感を出すためには絞りをぐっと絞ってISO感度を落とす必要があるため火以外の部分は夜だとほぼ写りません。 上記の白とびや黒つぶれがおきるのは、
炎 物凄く明るい! という状況で撮影するため、通常はカメラだけであればどちらか(人か炎)の露出に合わせれば逆のほうが綺麗に撮れなくなってしまうのです。
しかしこれは(強い)フラッシュを使用することで解消することができます。 カメラの設定を炎の明るさに合わせ、最後にフラッシュを焚いて演者を浮かび上がらせるという仕組みです。
以下、ファイアーの撮影をしたい人必見の撮影テクニックを書きます。 設定方法0 フラッシュ発光モード
フラッシュの発光を後幕にする。 先幕
後幕 1 カメラで炎だけを綺麗に撮れる設定を作る。
演者は火をつけ適当に回しておきます。カメラの設定はマニュアルです。 2 フラッシュ(ストロボ)の設定
1の設定のまま、演者に今度は火を持たずに立ってもらう。 適当にシャッターをきり、フラッシュを焚く。
580EXII等の手動でフラッシュを焚けるタイプのフラッシュは、バルブモードでシャッターを開きっぱなしにしておき適当なところでフラッシュをたき、シャッターを閉じれば簡単に写真の仕上がりを確認できます。 ※この時点でかなりの光量があるフラッシュでないと人物は撮影できません。 3 撮影
※上記テクニックはライトにも使えます。 上記設定で撮りつつ、他のこまごました微調整もありますがまだ未完成な部分が多いし長くなるのでそこは省略します。 フラッシュの購入を検討されている方へ
フラッシュはある程度強いものを購入しなければファイアー撮影は厳しいことはお分かりになったかと思います。 2台目以降を同期して使うとき、親機のストロボをマスター、子機のストロボをスレーブと言いますが、最近カメラ本体にはマスター機能(スピードライトトランスミッター機能)が標準搭載されており、またある程度クラスの上のフラッシュにはこのワイヤレスのスレーブ機能がついています。
ワイヤレスマスタ機能搭載機:Kiss X5, X6i, 7D, 60D,ほか 私は580EXIIというもっとも高機能で協力なフラッシュのひとつを破格で購入することができて使用していますがその他オススメのフラッシュを紹介します。 ↓ 2015年現在追加で1灯購入しました。現在間違いなく v860Cが最強!お勧めのストロボです。これは600RTと光量同等、電池はリチウムイオンでチャージはむしろこっちのほうが早い。値段は半額以下で購入できます。
番外編スレーブユニット キャノンのワイヤレス発光は何故か後幕発光ができません!
冗談よしてよ!と言いたくなりますがホントです。 純正だけのワイヤレスではファイアーパフォーマンスの撮影がまともに出来ないという不具合があります。ふざけるな!という怒りの声を上げたいです。 しかしそれを解消するのがスレーブユニット! ああこういう機材があって本当によかった!
スレーブユニットにフラッシュを取り付けると、他のフラッシュが発光した光に反応してフラッシュが発光します。 その際フラッシュのオート調光機能が使えず、マニュアルで光量設定を行う必要がありますが、ファイアー撮影はそもそもマニュアルで設定するので関係ないでしょう。 オススメスレーブユニット
↓↓ これかっちゃだめ !! ↓↓
↑ このユニットはサンパックのフラッシュ専用でした。接点があうフラッシュであれば使えましたが、ボタン電池が必要でしかも電池がすぐ切れる! 魚眼レンズとフラッシュ 魚眼レンズとフラッシュ(大きめ)の相性は最高です!僕の使っているのはTF-115という安いコンバージョンレンズ、それに580EXIIをつければ集合写真に最適カメラが誕生です。
カメラ → 絞りを F9 ~ F12
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Mapposu Poi
Kodama from Local TV program did poi performance with this music. He took my poi workshop about 5hours. Result will be on Air 18 Aug 2012. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | 3beat weave turn
You can combine forward weave and backward weve, when your arm make"Open" position. You need to close arms after turn other wise it becomes normal split carry turn. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Stall
Stall is the move you stop poi. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Butterfly
Basic move on the wall plane (front plane) |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Backward 3beat weave
back ward 3beat weave. count as "Under, Over, back" start 2beat weave and see the poi under. Put "over" between, "Under, back" |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | 3 beat weave
practice with one hand, and count 3 as "over, under, back". Practice about 15mins each hand, and start 2beat weave. See the hand over the other hand, you can see that "over, back" move there, and you put "under" betweeen those. Do it several time and you get 3 beat weave in a day or week... |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | 2beat weave
Cross move in split time |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Cross
Cross arm like skipping rope move. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Cross (one hand)
Practice with one poi! |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Split Carry Turn
Count the rhythm with the poi which you want to turn. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Split Time
Spin poi in split time, and keep the side plane. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Carry Turn
From Forward, turn when poi comes down. From Backward, turn when poi comes up. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 8月17日 | Forward Backward
make pararell plane on the side with Poi. |
yutapoi | ||||
With partner poi we differentiate between two different positions. These vary depending on which hands are linked with one another.
yutapoi | ||||
Modes are varying arm and shoulder speeds that are suitable for various different sequences. SPLIT-TIME ARMS (CRAWL-MODE)In the crawl mode, the arms move in split-time, just like when swimming the crawl. This balanced rhythm makes the crawl mode pleasant to do and is ideal for entering and leaving positions as well as combined steps and turns. SAME-TIME ARMS (BRACE-MODE)The brace mode is a bit like breaststroke and is more static than the crawl mode. However, it is perfect for visual moves like pirouettes and flowers. |
yutapoi | ||||
The following cycle, which we also refer to as the machine, involves thread the needle and the three beat weave in two different directions. Concentrate on the stalling arm (in this case the right-hand arm) and don’t despair if the upward thread the needle feels a bit awkward to start with. |
yutapoi | ||||
Concentrate on the quarter turn here in order to be able to switch cleanly from the wheel plane in to the wall plane. To help you grasp this transition, it is also possible to have a single player simulate it. Related Lessons |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 7月19日 | FOUR BEAT WEAVE to THREE BEAT WEAVE continual
The same exercise without a break in the four beat wave position |
yutapoi | ||||
Watch the weave’s forwards and backwards movement and find the right moment for one person to change position. Make sure you’ve got the hang of the different weaves before trying to combine them.
yutapoi | ||||
The walkthrough is one of the most important basic partner poi moves and allows you to enter and leave a wide variety of figures with ease. You will do "Carry Turn" over through the Partner's body. Once you’ve got the hang of the walkthrough in both directions, it can for example be combined as a two-hand three beat weave. |
yutapoi | ||||
The right rhythm is essential here. The move will only work if both poi are swinging same-time with one another. Check ou Thread The Needle Lesson for one person if you haven't wathced it yet. |
yutapoi | ||||
The four beat weave, or crossed weave, is a key partner poi move and opens up countless new possibilities later on. To start off, it is helpful if one of the two players spins the poi behind his or her back, thus making it possible for his or her partner to interlace. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 7月18日 | Partner Poi Three beat weave
The three beat weave with a partner is the same as for just one player. You might find it helpful to practice the three beat weavealone, to understand how it works. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 7月11日 | Glowstringing Tutorial Wrap 101
I've been asked about wrap moves, so I post basic tutorial by Glowstringing Tutorial Wrap 101 This tutorial covers: arm wraps, leg wraps, side bicep wraps, neck wrap, double bicep wraps, and the alternate arm wraps.
yutapoi | ||||
2012 7月 9日 | Glowstringing 360-wrap Tutorial
A tutorial of 360 wraps with glowstrings.
From Jin Smylez at, your premier destination for glowsticking since 2002.
A tutorial of 360 wraps with glowstrings. From Jin Smylez at, your premier destination for glowsticking since 2002.
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月26日 | Getting Ready for the Poi Beginner Series: Learning to Cross One Poi Backwards - |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月12日 | Poi Tutorial: Crosser Extensions and variations
Buy my DVD here: - Crosser Extension technique brocken down in steps.At Playpoi's March poi retreats in Bali, Karen requested a tutorial on the Crosser Extensions I like to do. So, we shot one in between classes, including a few other variants.Playpoi announcements broadcast by Alexis, and some cinematographer shenanigans thrown in for spice. :-P |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月11日 | Syphonkiller Wrist Roll Tutorial Syphonkiller Wrist Roll Tutorial |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月10日 | Poi Dancing Tutorial - How to Spin Triquetras - Intermediate poi spinning tutorial: Triquetras! |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 5日 | Contact Poi Tutorial - Lesson 3: Outer Forearm Roll |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 5日 | Contact Poi Tutorial - Lesson 2: Inner Forearm Roll |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 5日 | Contact Poi Tutorial - Lesson 1: Balance Points |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 3日 | Leotech #t: Body Tracing
Just some ridiculous stuff I've been working on. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 2日 | Magnetic Batons Demonstration
空間にマグネットが仕掛けられている様に見える事から名付けられたマグネティックバトン。 |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 2日 | Chest Hooping
The results of the poll showed that hooping at the chest was the number one area that you'd like to work on and the FULL chest hooping tutorial is finished!! This video covers a lot of information very quickly but learning it will take your body time. Work your way through the tutorial as you feel comfortable. This video covers how to work your way up to chest hooping by practicing alternating arms. As well hooping with or without your arms inside the hoop. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 4月 2日 | SaFire Hoop Dancing Tutorial: Beginner Knee Hooping
Instructional video demonstrating a basic technique for hula hooping at the knees. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月29日 | How To Pull Off The Michael Jackson Side Slide
Dancing will never be the same again. Everyone can moonwalk but the Michael Jackson side slide will take your dancing to a whole new level of cool. Pull off the Michael Jackson side slide and impress on the dance floor. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月29日 | How to spin like Michael Jackson
Anthony King breaks down another of Michael Jackson's killer moves so that mere mortals have the chance to shine on the dance floor. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Partner Poi: Getting Started: Partners, Props, and Communication Tutorial
Great Partner Poi tutorial by Nick Woolsey. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Partner Poi: Learning Fundamental Rhythms with Arms Tutorial
Learn the fundamental rhythms of poi with your arms. This is helpful for spinning with partners or on your own. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Partner Poi Spinning: Maintaining Split-time and Same-time Tutorial
Keeping your poi in split-time with your partner is the foundation of many moves. It's harder than you think! Here we show you how to get started. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Partner Poi: Transitions from 4-Beat Weaves to 3-beat Weaves Tutorial
Transition from the partner 4-beat weaves to the various 3-beat weaves. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Partner Poi: Exploring Various Positions with 3-Beat Weaves Tutorial
Partner poi 3beat weave in different possisions. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Partner Poi: 4-Beat Crossed-Weave Tutorial
The partner 4-beat weave is a pattern by Nick Woolsey |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月28日 | Dragon Staff Tutorial - ( Basic Feicha )
Basic Dragon Staff tutorial by MCP. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月23日 | Bridge by Okotanpe
Very Advanced hard trick
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月13日 | Box [ Magnetic Batons ]
Imagine a square in front of you, and follow with batons. It is also helpful if you transfer to isolation move on the 4 edges. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月13日 | Anti Spin [ Magnetic Batton ]
Imagine cross line in front of you. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月13日 | Isolation [ magnetic batons ]
Isolate a ball one place and spin. This move is called as 'Spin-spin' either. |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月13日 | How to hold and spin Magnetic Batons
Use 3 fingers. Keep rhyth and positions between 2 battons! |
yutapoi | ||||
2012 3月 8日 | Crash Course in 3D SpinningAn introduction to the ideas of 3D spinning. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 11月12日 | Contact Staff - Conveyor Belt Pt. 5 'Conveyor Belt and Variations'
The contact staff move the conveyor belt and some of it's simple variations. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 11月12日 | Contact Staff - Conveyor Belt Pt. 4 'Wrist to Elbow'
The elbow to wrist roll, in reverse and how it applies to the conveyor belt. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 11月12日 | Contact Staff- Conveyor Belt Pt.3 'Elbow to Wirst'
The basic contact moves the elbow roll and the elbow to wrist roll and how they apply to the conveyor belt. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 11月12日 | Contact Staff - Conveyor Belt Pt. 2 'Wrist Rolls'
The basic wrist roll and how it applies to the conveyor belt. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 11月12日 | Contact Staff - Conveyor Belt Pt. 1 'Overview'
An overview of the 'conveyor belt' and the basic parts of the move. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 8月 2日 | Double Staff TossesA rundown of a lot of toss/juggling ideas with the dubs. Tosses, passes, turns and variations. Enjoy! |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 7月29日 | Partner Poi Spinning: 3-Beat Weave Tutorial
Tutorial of partner 3beat weave. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 7月14日 | Vertical Palm Circle by Okotanpe
Gurun Gurun means something is being spinning in Japanese. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 7月14日 | Giant WIndmill
Put extended big circle bitween windmill. This is counter clock-wise description. 1. Start making extended big cercle when right poi towards TOP. 2 Left poi start making big circle when right hand comes to The bottom, left poi comes to The TOP. Keep this 180 position all the time. 3.Get your right poi back to windmill when Right poi comes to The Top, left poi comes to the bottom. 4.Try move your left poi farther to right side on the last harlf extended big circle. Then get it back to the windmill move. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 7月13日 | Variations of Exit from Stall
1. Spin backward where it comes from (0 |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 7月12日 | Partner Poi: Over and Under (Beginner to Intermediate Tutorial)
Partner poi basic turn. Make Carry turn behind the back of your partner. Make returning carry turn, it looks like poi tango, and it is actually 3beat weave too! |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 7月12日 | 16 stalls Poi Charity Lesson
Basic stalls which are classified as 16 variation. There are more than 16 stalls in poi spinning, but if you get these basic16s, you'll be more free when you spin poi. Basic 8 Stalls Make square around body with stall Anti-spin 8 Stalls Make stall from Anti-spin. This stall can make center cross-line.
yutapoi | 2 | |||
2011 7月12日 | Flower Basics
Step 1 : Extend comfortable spinning Area Flower is the moves with extended arm to top, bottom, front, back. Practice extend your arm to each way with spinning poi. Step2 : Transfer one Poi Practice transport poi position to position. Move your arm when poi towards to the outer big circle. STEP 3 Make Rhythm and Plane Clean with 2 poi Spin 2 poi at each position. Practice to keep the rhythm and plance clean at all the positions. STEP 4 2Transfer with 2 poi Practice transfering Vertical position to Horizontal Position, Horizontal Position to Vertical Position. STEP 5 Make one petal each Start at H position, make one petal at V position and move back to next H position, and keep plane & rhythm again. STEP 6 Make flower ! Spin one circle at each position. Try to keep rhythm, plane clean. |
yutapoi | 4 | |||
2011 7月 9日 | Isolated Weave
This is a very much advanced poi move and so hard to reach clean move. Make linear isolation with the center of the poi. NOTE In normal weave your hand and poi moves almost the same timing or poi head is sligthly leading hands. * I hold a poi with both hands and showing how you should keep the center of poi during weave. But this is actually not right way to move, since the poi head lead your hand when it cross your body from away side to home side. Even though, it helps you to feel how you can move center of poi. * I will describe how we can practice someday in near future, so untill then please watch slo-mo part to find how you can make isolated weave. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: One Beats & HugsSome of my personal favorite moves. The freedom of movement and fun you can have with this stuff is out of control...! It seems pretty simple, but it takes some work. Have fun! :D |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: Extra RotationsThis video shows a couple ways to add extra beats to your figure 8 patterns. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: Intro to StallsThis video covers stalls and their applications to the foundations we've covered. The link in the description has a demo of tons of stalls you can play with. Have fun! |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: TossesThe two basic ways to toss a single staff and some variations to boot. Have fun with these! |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: Isolation and AntiSpinsThis video demos how to apply isolations and antispins to the framework we set up in the Single Staff Foundation videos. There are links in the description for more in-depth antispin and isolation info! Enjoy! |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: 360s and FlowersThe basic 360 turn with a single hand. You'll use this later on to make your various flowers with your single staff. :) |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Tricks: BTB RotorA fun trick that combines a rotor, behind the back, and a 360 degree turn. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: ReviewA review of what we've learned in the first set of videos and an introduction to the next set of videos: Single Staff Tricks. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Singe Staff Foundations: PassesThis video covers passing or moving the staff from one hand to the other and touches and "pinwheels," a move made by combining some of the basics we've already learned. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: Weave vs Figure 8sThis video expands of the weave by introducing the figure 8, which is just a different way to orient your body to the spinning staff. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: TurnsThis video shows how to combine the three basic moves (Forward and Reverse weave and the rotor) so that you can turn in both directions. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: Reverse WeaveLast of the three basic single staff moves. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: Forward WeaveSecond of the three basic single staff moves. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: RotorsFirst of the three basic moves you'll use a lot spinning a single staff. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月26日 | Single Staff Foundations: OverviewThe brief overview of all the info in the next videos in the series. Enjoy! |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 6月19日 | Chest Roll Varitation
By Won Boo. Short clips but good to watch. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 6月18日 | Palm-Cradle Transfer
Palm to Cradle Transfer |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 6月18日 | Contact Juggling Tutorial : Collapsed Chestrolls
Very nice tutorial by Contact Juggling.Org with Chris Murdoch |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 6月 1日 | Head Stall Contact by Okotanpe
Stall on top of the head
yutapoi | ||||
2011 6月 1日 | Arm Roll Contact Juggling Lesson by Okotanpe
Note |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 5月31日 | Stall by Okotanpe
yutapoi | ||||
2011 5月31日 | Back to Back Transfer by Okotanpe
Note |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 5月31日 | Butterfly by Okotanpe
1. Throw the ball up and swing arm from inside to outside, and outside to insside. 2. Try to 'Contact' your hand and the ball. 3. Swing your hand from the bottom to the top to add momentum. Make figure of 8 with your hand and ball. 4. Make wider figure of 8. Note |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 5月 4日 | Windmill
Spin poi like windmill ! |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 4月22日 | (チャリティーレッスントップ) ご協力よろしくお願いします。 リクエスト方法「◎◎のやり方を知りたいです!」 という書き方をしてもらえればOKです。 動きの名前など、分からない場合は以下動画を見て動画のどのあたりの部分を知りたいかを書き込んで下さい。 Youtubeでリクエストする掲示板からリクエストするMixiからリクエストする |
yutapoi | 5 | |||
2011 4月 3日 | Stall Chasers, Body Tracing & Snakes Part 1
Alien Jon's wokshop note video. Stall Chaser. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 4月 3日 | Poi how to: Stall Chasers, Body Tracing & Snakes - Part 2 Class Notes from Dallas March 2011
Alien Jon's workshop note video. good inspirations for intermediate - advanced poi spinners. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 3月27日 | Anti-Spin rundown for staff and dubs.A quick rundown of some cool ways to use the anti-spin move with a single or double staffs. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 3月17日 | Moving Around on the GroundPositions and transitions for sitting and moving around on the ground with spinning a staff. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 3月14日 | Lateral RollA lateral roll with a neck carry added too it. |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 3月14日 | Single Staff Ground RollA contact neck roll and a roll on the ground! |
tracerammo | ||||
2011 3月 7日 | Spiral Wrap
Step 1 : Practice Wrapping move with one poi, one hand. Step 2 : Practice the movement without poi. Step 3 : Practice Wrapping 2 hands with one poi. Step 4 : Practice wrapping 2 hands with 2 pois, this is the spriral wrap! |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月19日 | 2 Ball Ratchet
I like this move very much ! Using this move with Isolations is very nice. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月10日 | Basic Three Ball Juggling Tricks : The Box Juggling Trick
Box Juggling tutorial. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月10日 | how to juggle: 3 ball shower
Practice it in the shower room. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月10日 | Juggling Tutorial: Mills' Mess
I thought this move is a little bit more intermediate level, but this tutorial show this is the 2nd easiest move, oh well. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月10日 | 3 Ball Cascade
I have chances to play Juggling Volley, so I think I should learn basics really. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月 1日 | Inside Elbow Stall
One of the basics, but very visible move. If you can isolate the position of your ball, and do transfer from palm to elbow, elbow to palm, it looks like Okotanpe! You can blow the ball with your mouth, and pinch the invisible thread from the ball when you pull from palm, it looks even more Okotanpe. |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 2月 1日 | Outside Elbow Stall
One of the most important move "stall"! I like stalling with poi, but can not make it well with contact juggling yet... |
yutapoi | ||||
2011 1月31日 | Chestroll
Something that I want to make, but still I can not. Open shoulder, use your chest wider, don't close chest and arms. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 11月24日 | Vertical Splits for BuzzsawVertical splits, linear extensions, linear anti/iso thing. More fun stuff for the buzzsaw! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月24日 | Buzzsaw LayoutsThe layout move, which is kinda like a flower, for buzzsaw! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月24日 | Buzzsaw FountainsThe fountain move applied to buzzsaws! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月24日 | Basic Buzzsaw SkillzBasic skills for using the move "the buzzsaw." |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月 5日 | Poi Lesson -Crazy CatchesThis is the stuff that'll freak people out. Have fun and BE SAFE!!! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月 5日 | Hoop Move - 360 Turn + Coin FlipDon't know the name of this one, but here it is one handed. Have fun! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月 5日 | Flow Wand Lesson - The Basic BasicsThe very basics of starting to begin to use a flow wand. Hope it helps! :) |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月 5日 | Iso Hoop Lesson - Coin FlipA very easy move that adds dynamics to hooping. Enjoy! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 11月 5日 | Iso Hoop Lesson - Static MovesA few ideas for moves that don't involve spin or rotation... they're super easy and because of that pry' get over looked. Have fun! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 9日 | Turning with CAPsI got a request for a tutorial on how to turn with CAPs and found it to be a fun challenge. Here they are approached from the perspective of being fountains in opposite poi motion, wall plane turns that integrate triquetra hybrids, and finally as wheel plane reels--my personal favorite. Enjoy! |
Drex | ||||
2010 10月 7日 | Iso Hoop Lesson - Two BeatsAdd two beats to your hoop manipulation skills. Why? 'Cause they ROCK! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 7日 | Iso Hoop Lesson - Wrist RollsA way to get a bunch more tricks, real' qucik... wrist rolls! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 7日 | Fire Orb Lesson - PendulumsSome ideas for using pendi's with your fire orb. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 7日 | Fire Orb Lesson - Behind the Back StuffSome tips for manipulating the orb behind your back. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 7日 | Fire Orb Lesson - Poi StyleSome moves for poi applied to the orb. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 4日 | Around the Body AntispinA cool barrel roll and antispin combine to make a new, cool move. |
tracerammo | 1 | |||
2010 10月 4日 | The Suit CaseA trick mimes use with a suitcase. Here it is for hoop. ;) |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 4日 | Ghost Cage and Crab ClawThis is a cool method of making your isolations look even more crazy. Enjoy. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 2日 | Shingled IsolationsA simple trick to add variations to your isolations! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 2日 | The SuitcaseThe mime trick with a suitcase demonstrated with a hoop. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 2日 | Cross Arm IsolationA fun variation of the same time/same direction isolation with both hands. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 2日 | Iso Figure 8s
The figure 8, or two beat, isolated! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 10月 2日 | The Hoop Matrix-ishA hoop version of the matix staff move! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月27日 | Hoop Isolations - Barrel RollsA demo of barrel rolls and some variations. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月27日 | Hoop Isolations - Steering WheelA cool isolation trick and it's variations. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月27日 | Hoop Isolations - Outside Iso
The outside variation of a hoop isolation. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月27日 | Hoop Isolations - Orb Style
Isolation moves inspired by the fire orb. This was the audio test video, so it's kinda short... ;) |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月27日 | Hoop Isolation -Inside Iso
Basic hoop isolation. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月22日 | Swimming Poi in Berlin by TomVideo shot the 3rd of august 2010 in Berlin right after the EJC in Finland! I'm in an empty swimming pool in a campsite, that was fun! This is a TravelPoi vid :) |
Tokito | ||||
2010 9月12日 | Fire Orb Manipulation Pt. 2More moves for the fire orb. These are moves ripped off poi moves. :) Porbing? There's a billion more poi/orb moves out there, but here's a few starters. Enjoy! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 9月12日 | Fire Orb Manipulation Pt. 1A whole bunch of ideas with a fire orb. The orb in the video is made for practice (ball+rope=practice orb). ;) Bunch of ideas on the 'tech' side... or as much of a tech side as orb has. Enjoy! |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 8月24日 | Foot+StaffA few ideas on how you can use your feet to play with a single staff. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 8月22日 | Toss Ideas DemoA demo of a bunch of ways to combine tosses, catches, passing and 'zones'. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 8月22日 | More Throws and CatchesSome more ideas about tossing and catching poi. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 8月22日 | PendiWeaveA hybrid of a pendulum and a weave in different planes. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 8月22日 | Hacky Poi PickupHow to pick up poi without using your hands. (Good for tossin'). |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 8月 4日 | Hoop tricks: Chasing ShadowAbout three elements are included in this trick; float down and skip out, shoulder to shoulder, step in and float up. |
Ayumi@HOOPTokyo | 1 | |||
2010 6月24日 | Palm to palm
Palm to Palm transfer. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 6月23日 | Vortex + Flower Variations
Poi style? multi contact juggling tutorial. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 6月21日 | CONTACT LESSON: Walking Halfpipe
Walking Halfpipe. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 6月13日 | Hoop tricks:Flamingo Enigma
Ayumi@HOOPTokyo | 2 | |||
2010 6月 1日 | Hula Hoop Basics: Vol 3 : How to do the Around the Body Hula Hoop Trick
How to do the Around the Body Hula Hoop Trick |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 5月30日 | Variation of 360 turn with hybrid-flowers
I asked Alien Jon to teach the move that I was interested in. Alien Jon has uploaded this move on 'Nano-Tech Blog' as well. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 5月28日 | Infinite Spiral Wrap
Spiral move that Thomas and Cyrille discovered in 2009 Firedrums. The spiral can be continued infinitely very easily. Practice method Practice with one Poi.
Practice with 2 Pois.
How to go out from sprial If you started by the clockwise spinning, you can go out with relesing hands on the other directon counter clock wise. For safety Don't do this move without protector! This move can burn your wrist very heavily!! |
yutapoi | 2 | |||
2010 5月20日 | Alien Jon Poi: nano-Tech Blog #6
Alien jon shows anti-spin weave fountain. very nice smooth slo-mo. |
yutapoi | 1 | |||
2010 5月 7日 | 3balls floating isolation ( or someghing)
Thomas showed me nice one |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 5月 5日 | advanced catchesadvanced tricks to catch your poi |
Nulleamai | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Double Bounces Pt. IIMore double bounce ideas... double-doubles, triple bounces and more. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Basic Double BouncesIdeas for double bouncing, a bounce followed by another bounce. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Wrapped BouncesA few different bounces that involve poi wraps. Same hand, opposite arm, handcuffs n' more. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Single Staff StallsA bunch of ideas for stalling and changing direction/plane with a single staff. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Poi Pendi IdeasA bunch of different pendulum ideas. Static pendulums, extended and 'anti' pendulums. Combos of all the above. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Single Staff IsolationsA bunch of different ways to isolate a single staff. |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月19日 | Poi Toss BasicsA rundown of several toss ideas. Ways to toss the poi, catch the poi and areas to send to poi through. Lots of ideas... |
tracerammo | ||||
2010 4月14日 | Throw tutorial # 6 extentionsA good way to mix throws in your flow... |
Nulleamai | ||||
2010 4月14日 | Throw tutorial # 5 showerA juggling native trick, the usefull shower! |
Nulleamai | 1 | |||
2010 4月14日 | Throw tutorial # 4 PendulumsHow to mix togheter throws and pendulums |
Nulleamai | ||||
2010 4月14日 | Throw tutorial # 3 wibbleNot exacltly a thow trick, but very usefull when you want to throw you poi, sorry for my strange face lol... |
Nulleamai | ||||
2010 4月14日 | Throw tutorial # 2 Ttn throwsUsing the Tread-the-needle trick is possible to do a lot of throws. |
Nulleamai | ||||
2010 4月14日 | Throw tutorial # 1First step to throw your poi is to have a conterweight on your set of poi, in this video i show one of different way to make it... |
Nulleamai | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Poi Lesson - Isolated Throws (Reverse)
Poi Lesson about Isolated Throws (Reverse) |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Poi Lesson - Isolated Throws (Forwards)
Poi Lesson about Isolated Throws (Forwards) |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Poi Lesson - Isolated Throws (Horizontal)
Poi Lesson - Isolated Throws (Horizontal) |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Wrap Throws
Poi Lesson about Wrap Throws |
Poiboy | 1 | |||
2010 4月12日 | Quarter Time Spin-extension flower
Poi lesson on Quarter Time Spin-extension flowers |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Continuous turning stalls
Poi lesson about Continuous turning stalls |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Spin-Antispin Hybrid Weave
Spin-Antispin Hybrid Weave Poi lesson |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月12日 | Behind The Head Stalls
Poiboy Poi lesson on Behind the head stalls. |
Poiboy | ||||
2010 4月 4日 | Pirouette ( Basic )
Yuta's Pirouette.
yutapoi | ||||
2010 4月 3日 | Wrist move of the Wall Plane : Reel
The wrist move of the Wall Plane is different from the Side Plane. You need like a 'reel' move to make it clean and smooth. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 4月 3日 | Outward Thread The Needle
Begin with outward butterfly.
*Alternate out-ward butterfly Poichi Exercise will help you. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 4月 2日 | Armcurls
Palm-twist-butterfly-transfer. Simple but comlicated ! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 4月 1日 | Palm-Cradle Transfer
The basic transfer Palm-Cradle-Transfre. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 3月12日 | Triple Pirouettes
Triple pirouettes is the combination pirouette between 1.5 hight pirouette and 1.5 low pirouette. *Be careful with your knee. This turn can hurt your knee if you practice without enough warming up. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 3月12日 | Side Walk
Side Walk steps like Michael Jackson |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 3月 2日 | Spiral Wraps
I decided to practice this move, because of Nick. He showed me his really clean move when he visited us 2006. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 3月 1日 | Smooth Criminal tutorial (Part 6)
How to Dance Smooth Criminal Tutorial part6!! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 3月 1日 | Smooth Crminal Move
This is the most popular choreography of Smooth Criminal. Adam teaches the one you want to learn!! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 3月 1日 | Smooth Crminal tutorial (Part 5)
How to Dance Smooth Criminal Tutorial part5 !! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月24日 | Smooth Criminal tutorial Part 4
Smooth Criminal |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Behind-the-Back Weave by Nick WoolseyNick shows you haw to do Behind-the-Back Weave. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Hula Hoop Basics: Vol 1 : How to Hula Hoop
This is the hoop lessons from firegroove |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Hula Hoop Basics: Vol 1 : How to Keep a Hula Hoop Up
This is the hoop lessons from firegroove |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | How To Dance Like Michael Jackson' [Moonwalk Billie Jean Thriller Beat It This Is It] - Corey Vidal
How to dance like MJ!! Let's practice this and perform poi as MJ!! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Basic of Contact Staff
Shion teaches the basic moves of Contact staff. Shion is one of the greatest contact staff artist I have ever seen!! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | pantomime lessonn "isolation of neck"
Isolation is one of the most important skill of any kind of dance, so good to know it. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Butterfly
Very goo d tutorial of contact juggling. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Circle
Very goo d tutorial of contact juggling. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Fingertip-palm
Combination of Butterfly, basic but very important! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Fans lesson by CoRock22Fans lesson by CoRock22 |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Fans lesson by CoRock22 part2Basic Fans Lesson part 1. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Imakokode staff tutorial II
Imakokode's very nice staff tutorials 2 |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Imakokode staff tutorial I
Imakokode's very nice staff tutorials 1 |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Imakokode staff tutorial III
Imakokode's very nice staff tutorials 1 |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Enigma
This move makes contact ball floating! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Prayer
Good contact tutorial! this move is very good way to practice butterfly family. |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Balls manipulation Part 1
One of my favorite performer Cyrille's great contact juggling video! His manipulation is based on Poi moves, so it's really clear for poi spinners and good way to learn contact juggling for all of us!! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | How to moon walk by ryutappin
Moon walk lesson in Japanese! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Smooth Crminal tutorial (Part 3)
How to Dance Smooth Criminal Tutorial part3 !! It is not poi at all, but OK. Because this is one of the coolest thing! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Smooth Crminal tutorial (Part 2)
How to Dance Smooth Criminal Tutorial part2 !! It is not poi at all, but OK. Because this is one of the coolest thing! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月17日 | Smooth Crminal tutorial (Part 1)
How to Dance Smooth Criminal Tutorial!! It is not poi at all, but OK. Because this is one of the coolest thing! |
yutapoi | ||||
2010 2月16日 | Balls manipulation Part 2 By Cyrille
One of my favorite performer Cyrille's great contact juggling video! His manipulation is based on Poi moves, so it's really clear for poi spinners and good way to learn contact juggling for all of us!! |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 12月14日 | Pモード、Avモード,Tvモードの場合 【写真を明るくする場合】 <Av +->ボタンを押しながらダイアルを右に回す(プラス補正) 【写真を暗くする場合】 <Av +->ボタンを押しながらダイアルを左に回す(プラス補正) マニュアルモードの場合 【写真を明るくする場合】
yutapoi | ||||
2009 10月 6日 | ポイスピナー的視点からカメラについてのミニ知識を共有したいと思います。 なお、全てのカメラ名やレンズ名についているリンクはアマゾンにリンクしています。 ちなみに僕の使用しているのはCanon デジタル一眼レフカメラ Kiss X6i 初めての人向けなので詳しい解説は省いています。 ※ポイカメラ初心者向けの記事です。プロの皆さん、厳しい目で見ないで下さいね。 1 センサーのサイズ画素数を気にする人がいますが、今はほとんど気にしなくて良いです。 カメラの心臓部。レンズから入った光を受けるセンサーのサイズ。 写真左がデジイチのセンサー(APS-Cサイズ)右が一般的なコンパクトデジカメのセンサー。
一般的的なセンサーサイズは以下の通りです。 フルサイズ(フィルムと同じサイズ) > APS–H (約 28.1×18.7mm) > APS-C (約22.3×14.9mm ) > 3/4 ( フォーサーズ ) 大きい方が綺麗な画質、高価になります。 逆に3/4サイズも小さいセンサー、カメラに高度な技術が詰っていて価格が高い傾向にあるようです。 3/4というのはフルサイズに比較して四分の三の大きさということです。 コンパクトデジカメでは 1/1.7 とか 1/2.3 とか分数で表示されます。 一番普及しているのは APS-Cサイズのカメラなのでコストパフォーマンスも良いです。 2 動画機能大きいセンサーでとる動画は普通のビデオカメラでは取れない映像がとれます。 暗いところでもノイズが少なく明るい映像が撮れる。 背景のぼけた映画風な映像が撮れる。 美しい動画が取れることは絶対はずせない条件の一つです。 左 ビデオカメラ(HV30) 右 デジイチ( Kiss x3 )
動画撮影の際は基本的にピントを合わせるのは手動になります。 ※注意※ ビデオカメラで撮影する場合と比べると撮影の難易度は高いです。
あくまで作品作り、パフォーマンス動画作成に向いた動画です。子供の成長記録など、家庭で通常仕様するためのビデオカメラとしては使用できません。 3 レンズセンサーのサイズが一緒であればその画質を決めるのはレンズといっても過言ではありません。 一眼レフカメラを買えば背景のぼけた綺麗な写真が撮れると思っている人はチョット違いますよ!! デジタル一眼レフとコンパクトデジタルカメラの一番の違いはレンズを交換できること。入門用のデジイチでもプロ用のレンズをつければプロの写真がとれます。(腕は別として) 望遠のレンズを使えば遠くが写せるし、明るいレンズを使えば夜だって明るく撮れます。背景をぼかしたり、魚眼にしたり。レンズ次第でいろんな写真が撮れます。 広角で撮った例 18mm ( Canon EF-S レンズ 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 IS EF-S18-55IS ) 望遠レンズで撮った例 171mm ( Canon EF-S レンズ 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS EF-S55-250IS ) 広角の明るいレンズで撮った例 ( TAMRON SP AF 17-50mm F2.8 Model A16 キャノン用 ) 明るい中望遠レンズで背景ぼかしつつ一瞬を切り撮った例 70mm F2.8 1/800 (TAMRON SP AF28-75mm F2.8 キヤノン A09 ) 明るいレンズで背景をぼかした例 50mm F2.5 ( Canon EFレンズ 50mm F1.8 II )
明るいレンズで撮った動画例 ( Canon EFレンズ 50mm F1.8 II )
明るいズームレンズで撮った動画例 ( TAMRON SP AF 17-50mm F2.8 Model A16 キャノン用 ) 【注意】しかしカメラ本体のメーカーにより使用できるレンズは決まります。 自分が使っているカメラメーカーと同じメーカーを使っている友人がいれば、手持ちのレンズを交換していつもと違う写真や動画をとることが出来ます。 つまり僕の周りにいる人はCANONのカメラを買えばお互いにレンズを交換して遊べるということです!! もし周りに自分と同じメーカーの人がいなければ自分の持っているレンズでしか撮影できません。だけど周囲に同じメーカーの友達がいれば 今度僕が望遠買うから君は魚眼か何かに買って交換しようよ。 なんて会話ができます。 あれ、同じ? パナソニックやオリンパスのフォーサーズ系のカメラは携帯性に優れていてコンパクトデジカメより格段に良い画質です。 だけどそれを知ったらきっと普通のデジイチの画質を体験したくなり、結局大きいカメラも買って出費が増えると思うので最初にかうならAPS-Cサイズが良いと思います。特に夜の撮影が多いファイアーダンサーならば。 周囲で良く見るのはキャノン、ニコン、ペンタックス。そのつぎにオリンパス、という感じです(あくまでポイの話) 上記のことを踏まえお勧めするのは以下のカメラです。 CANONKiss シリーズはイチオシ。性能で見れば上位機種と同等かそれ以上です。EOS-Mはレンズの規格が違ったりファインダーが無かったりで本格的な使用には難アリ。手軽に持ち運んでオートで撮る分には良いと思います。6Dはコストパフォーマンス最高のフルサイズ。5DMkIIIは最高峰のカメラのひとつ! CANON 以外以前はNikonの動画はCanonに2,3歩遅れを撮っていましたが、最近では同等まで追いついてきたようです。 レンズCanonならまず買うべきなのがf1.8 50mm。9000円で今までプロにしか取れないと思っていた写真が撮れます。 これらのレンズ感動を知るとだんだんレンズがほしくなります。
追記 地道な普及活動( 2009年~ )によりポイ界はほぼCANONに統一されつつあります。 そのためCANONをもってイベントに行けば面白いレンズをお互いに貸し借りできる、バッテリーも貸し借りできる、そんな時代がやってきました。(2013.2.23現在 レンズ資産を共有できる、とっても楽しいことです! ※CANONを進めていますがCANONから何かもらっているわけではありません(笑)何かほしいです。 |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 4月 6日 | 1.5 Low Pirouette
1.5 ( 270 degrees ) Pirouette, Low position version. After Low pirouette, if you reel the hand which toward to the direction of turn ( if you turn clockwise, it is your right hand ), it'll be more smooth. ( My turn doesn't make clean REEL on this video, sorry !) |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月25日 | High Pirouette
Pirouette variation with carry turn & reel turn. High pirouette begin with BACKWARD SWING To turn right. When Right poi moving TOP, Left poi movintg BOTTOM [ Left hand is REELing ] position, begin pirouette. Left poi : Reel Turn + Carry Turn *That is to say, the poi which is toward to the direction of pirouette is CARRY, the opposite hand is REEL, pirouette. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月24日 | Low Pirouette
Pirouette variation with carry turn & reel turn. Low pirouette begin with FORWARD SWING To turn right. When Right poi moving BOTTOM, Left poi movintg TOP [ Left hand is REELing ] position, begin pirouette. Left poi : Reel Turn + Carry Turn *That is to say, the poi which is toward to the direction of pirouette is CARRY, the opposite hand is REEL, pirouette. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月13日 | Orbital
Orbital is originaly the move of glow-sticking trick. When poi spining in high-speed, orbital is one of the most beautiful moves. |
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2009 3月13日 | Butterfly Turn
Turn with butterfly. For butterfly move, reel turn is easier and more smooth. But, if you can make this normal turn, poi looks like going through into body. Both poi can't transfer planes at the same time. The poi which is toward the dirction of turning, transfers firs, then the other poi transfers after harf around a circle. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月13日 | 4 beat thread the needle
Advanced thread the needle. In inward TTN, your hands change position after poi cross at the "TOP". But in 4beat TTN, you wait till poi cross at the "Bottom" . |
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2009 3月10日 | Thread the needle
Next step of outterfly moves. Begin with Inward, Right poi top
Poichi exercise butterfly is exactly the same move without poi. so if you have any problem, go and practice poichi exercise. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月10日 | Poichi exercise : Same direction Same time
This move is the basement of Turn moves. This is very good for starter of the poi practice, building body balance, and turns. Tips for Same Same Big circles
Tips for Bigcircles
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2009 3月10日 | Poichi wall plane split butterfly
This move is the basement of split butterfly flower moves.
This is very good for starter of the poi practice, building body balance, and turns. Tips for Split butterfly
These points are 2 twice a circle, total 4 points. If you can keep this 4 points clean, you can play with split time butterfly as Nick woolsey!!?
Turn You can use this turn for poi itself.
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月 5日 | How to Change the length of Poi : Side plane
How to change the length of poi on side plane. After changing the length, your poi will bi on thumb side, not little finger side. Base plane ( Right side for right poiLongthen : Forward Base plane ( Right side for right poi )Longthen : Forward Crossed Plane (Left side for right poi )Longthen : Backward |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月 3日 | Hybrid
Extention circle vs Isolation hybrid. This is one of unit-cirlce hybrid. |
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2009 3月 3日 | Cosmo
I made this move with turn combination. Cosmo is the muscot of Tsukuba Expo 1985 |
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2009 3月 3日 | Isolation
The center of rotation is in the middle of Poi String. If you keep both of the center, poi becomes like a stick. It takes at least a month to get isolation. |
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2009 3月 3日 | Vortex
Spiral wrap around arm and hand. |
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2009 3月 3日 | Basic 8 stallBasic idea of stalls. |
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2009 3月 3日 | Waist wrap and Neck wrap
Combination between hipmills, or shoulder mills Before you try waist wrap, you should get hipmills and shoulder mills. |
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2009 3月 3日 | One Handed ButterflyHold pois in a hand and do butterfly!! |
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2009 3月 3日 | 1.5 beat weave and 3.5 beat weave
1.5 beat weave and 3.5 beat weave |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月 3日 | Big Circle Pirouetteビッグサークルピルエットの基本の動きです。 ※やりすぎると肩を痛めます気をつけてください。 |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 3月 3日 | Tips for Stall
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2009 3月 3日 | Hipmill and Shouldermill
Combination of the basic spining on Wall plane. |
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2009 3月 1日 | Fountain
Forward weave > Backward weave > Windmill > Forward wave.... |
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2009 3月 1日 | 5 Beat Weave
Spining poi 5 times on each side, is "5beat weave". Twisting your arms and add extra beats on 3 beatweave. |
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2009 3月 1日 | 1000 nin poi JFF2008JFF2008 1000nin poi |
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2009 3月 1日 | 1000nin POI choreography for JFF2008
The choreography for '1000nin poi' in JFF2008 |
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2009 3月 1日 | Buzz Saw
Hold poi little bit shorter, and spin in middle of your arms. |
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2009 3月 1日 | Pendulum Stall
The stall from pendullum. This is good practice for stalls, and you can even use this stall for your performance.
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2009 3月 1日 | Reel Turn
You don't see poi during turn. You use "reel" for this turn, so this is called as REEL TURN. |
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2009 2月28日 | 3 Beat Weave
This is the most exciting moment in poi life, when you first made 3 beat weave! |
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2009 2月28日 | Backward 3 beat weave
Practice with one poi |
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2009 2月28日 | Corkscrew
Basic move of horizontal plane. try both direction clockwise, counterclockwise. |
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2009 2月28日 | Butterfly
Right poi or left poi is slightly over the othe poi. So you should practice both version. R top, or L top Hands can connect in the middle of your body, but don't cross them. Yes you can cross arms and do buttefly, but it is very much hard. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 2月25日 | 8 antispin linear isolation
Basic 8 linear isolation. There are so many ways to do "Linear Isolation" but I show one of basic ideas of them for this lesson.
*Linear Isolation on the cross in a plane.
You can make C.A.P combinations with this basic linear isolation. C.A.P.( L ) Forward ( Direction A )
Backward ( Direction B )
※Try them on side plane, wall plane, horizontal plane.
Let's see Clockwise, rightside hipmill this lesson. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 2月24日 | How to make poi
Make your own poi to play with! |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 2月22日 | Hipmill
Let's see Clockwise, rightside hipmill this lesson. Practice one by one
! This move is 2 beat. The crossed poi is always under. If it's over the other poi, you should spin as "Shoulder mill" not hip mill. |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 2月21日 | Poichi wall plane butterfly
This move is the basement of butterfly flower moves.
This is very good for starter of the poi practice, building body balance, and turns.
Turn You can use this turn for poi itself. From inward to outward.
From outward to inward.
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2009 2月20日 | 2beatweave
1. サイド面でスプリットタイムを保ちます。 |
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2009 2月20日 | Transfer on side planes and cross.サイド面での手の返し方です。 回転方向が前回し(フォワード)の時ポイが上から下に来るときに移動させます。 手首をやわらかく返し、体の正面で∞の時を描きます。ポイが交差する点が常に正面にあると安定します。 |
yutapoi | ||||
2009 2月20日 | Carry Turn
Forward to backward
Backward to forward
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2009 2月20日 | Forwardspin, Backwardspin
Spin poi as skipping rope. Make planes on each side of your body. Try to spin poi on those pararell plane. When both poi spining togather, the rhythm is called 'Intime'. Spining in 180 difference rhythm is called 'Splittime'. |
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2009 2月11日 | Antispin FLower
One of the most beautiful moves of poi. Japanese call it Clover when you make 4 petals. |
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2009 2月10日 | Cat Eye
meeow! meeow! This is very tricky cat. |
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