About Poi
What is Poi?
"Poi" is the Maori word for "ball" on a cord. The Poi was used, many years ago, by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand to increase their flexibility and strength in their hands and arms as well as improving coordination.Wahine (female) dancers perform the Maori Poi, a dance performed with balls attached to flax strings, swung rhythmically.The Poi dance was originally used by the Maori women for keeping their hands flexible for weaving and by the men for strength and coordination required during battle. Poi are also used as a training aid for other ancient weapons like the Mere or Patu (Short club).
The Modern Poi is spreading all over the world. Poi art is connecting with other arts and developing. On the other hand, you can simply play with it. You hold a poi each hand, and just spin! Anyone can play poi!
Maori's Poi (Origin)
Fire Poi (Modern Poi)
Why we spin Poi?
Fun! Fun! Fun!
It's just for fun!!
Poi is kind of Juggling, and also kind of Dancing. You feel happy when you get new trick, and you can be happy to dance with those tricks!
Beautiful !!
The trail poi makes is just an awsome Art! Poi makes you feel good, but also audience feel good too. Poi makes your surrounding happy.
Borderless !!
No words need to play poi. Poi connect you with the world. Community of Poi spinniing is always surrounded by smile and energy. This is great way to communicate others.
Poi spinning is a fullbody motion. The balance of the body improves by practicing spining right and left poi in the balance, You use your braing when you learn new movement too. Poi makes you mentally and physically well-balanced.
The Art
Poi is an Art. There is an infinite ways of expression though it is a tool of a simple composition. And it keeps evolving all over the world every day.
Culture that keeps growing up
Poi Spiner shares a discovery each other, and has accelerated the growth of the culture. I want to develop as informational common space to accelerate the evolution in the poi community.