Fire Performance

Fire Performance

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3D Death-Star
3D Death-Star video

Huge flame, lasting so long, yes it is dangerous!!
I used this poi with Thomas at EJC2010, this poi makes such a beautiful shape of flame and atract audience with blightness and the sound of flame.

We use 3 set of soaked arm guards for safety, you have to do that too.

I recommend this someone who like big fire, yes this is really big.

Isis Poi
Isis Poi video

Isis Poi from Sweden! Flame are pretty much huge and it lasts long. There are no metal core inside, so it's not heavy as you expect. mm, yes it's heavy but not too much :) 

Monkey Fist Fire Poi 65mm
Monkey Fist Fire Poi 65mm video

My first fire poi was this HOP monkey fist fire poi. Fist of all, the shape of flame is so beautiful. I love the sphere shape and very much balanced weight.

Fire last pretty long, but doesn't last as long as Isis poi. But I still feel more comfortable to spin with this perfect sphere shape. HOP used to have this one and huge Gorilla Monkey fist poi. But now they have middle (?) size Mega monkey fist, so I should try it soon :)

If you haven't got any fire poi yet and want to have one, I highly recommend you to have monkey fist fire poi. This is one of the most well balance fire poi.

Pack of Coloured Flame
Pack of Coloured Flame video

A pack of colour flame fuel additive. Makes one litre of Emerald Green flame fuel and one litre of Ruby Red flame fuel. ---from HoP team --- We have been searching for many years for something we were happy to sell to produce coloured flames, and all this time we have been disappointed with the result when used on poi/staff. The lamp fuels we tested looked ok until you spun them and the other options also had various issues. Finally, however, we can bring you an easy to use and reliable coloured flame product. This pack contains 1 sachet of powder to make red flames and 1 sachet of powder to make green flames when dissolved in pure methylated spirits (also known as denatured alcohol/shellac reducer). These are designed only for alcohol based fuels as explained above. We also recommend new fire heads that are free from glue. We have upgraded our cathedral heads to be the perfect companion, or you can get one of our starter packs at a special discounted price.

COL2008 video

Circle of Light DVD !!
Me an Ronan sent our entry, but it wasn't checked, omg!!
Anyway This DVD contains all the great spinning videos you should watch thru !
